Another 25 F-35s for Italy

The Italian Ministry of Defense has published the 2024-2026 Multi-Year Planning Document (DPP), confirming the acquisition of 24 new Eurofighters and 25 new F-35s. Of these, 5 F-35Bs will be allocated to the Italian Air Force and 5 to the Italian Navy, with an additional 15 F-35As reserved for the Air Force. This new acquisition will bring Italy’s fleet to a total of 115 F-35s: 95 for the Air Force (75 F-35As and 20 F-35Bs) and 20 F-35Bs for the Navy’s Carrier-Based Aircraft Group (with the potential to activate two distinct groups, each with 10 aircraft).

Although this total remains below the original goal of 131 aircraft, authorized by Parliament in 2009 and still reflecting the operational needs of the Armed Forces, the increase will enhance Italy’s geopolitical standing within the European security landscape.

Additionally, it will keep the costs of the Cameri European Hub competitive with U.S. facilities. A new operational site will also be activated aboard the ITS Trieste (L9890), which will undergo modifications to support the embarkation, maintenance, and operational use of F-35Bs from both the Navy and the Air Force, as well as those of allied nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and eventually partners like Japan.

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