615 Articles

FORTE’s eyes on the Black Sea

The USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2046 – callsign FORTE10) mission departed yesterday from NAS Sigonella covered a different areas. A first part of the mission...


New B-52 mission over Mediterranaen sea

This afternoon at 14:39 CEST an USAF Boeing B-52H (reg. 61-0003) left RAF Fairford. The “BUFF” is now in flight off southern France...


A new long day for FORTE

New mission for a USAF Global Hawk (reg. 11-2046 – callsign FORTE11) which took off at 1:40 CEST last night from Sigonella. A...


Drones at work

This morning we are tracking two different missions operated by Global Hawk drones. The USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 09-2039 – callsign FORTE10)...


B-52 eastern Mediterranean Sea mission

This morning a couple of USAF Boeing B-52Hs (reg. 61-0018 & 60-0044) have departed from RAF Fairford. When the two aircraft arrived over...

Other air forcesUSAF

Eyes on eastern Europe

This morning several assets are monitoring the situation in Kaliningrad Belarus and Ukraine USAF Boeing RC-135U (reg. 64-14849, callsign JAKE12) returning to RAF Fairford...


FORTE returns, MAGMA leaves

While a USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045, callsign FORTE10) returns to Sigonella after a mission of about 22 hours, another drone, a NATO Northrop...


A long night begins for FORTE

New mission for a USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045 – callsign FORTE10), which took off from NAS Sigonella this afternoon, and is...


Vipers at work

A busy afternoon and evening for Aviano’s F-16s. While a couple is returning after a Combat Air Patrol over Romania (only one of...


New trip for BUFF

New mission over eastern Europe for (probably) a couple of USAF Boeing B-52H “Buff”(the only one trackable is reg. 61-0003). Bombers are departed from...

