615 Articles
Israeli AFTurkish AFUSAFUSNavy

Juniper Oak exercise in progress

The Juniper Oak 23.2 exercise between US and Israeli forces has begun. The eastern Mediterranean has become one of the main scenarios of...


Eye of the… NATO

At this time, there are several surveillance missions on NATO’s eastern flank, in particular eastern Poland. Two AWACS are deployed, a NATO Boeing...


Global Hawk leaving Larisa

On the evening of 15 January we had tracked a strange event. A USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045) that had taken off...


Beyond the “Line of death”

Also this morning, after yesterday’s traffic, we recorded the presence of a USasset off the Libyan coast. It’ss the USArmy Bombardier CL-60 ARTEMIS...


What is happening in Libya?

Unusual situation off the Libyan coast these days. Yesterday we tracked a SIGINT mission off the coast of Cyrenaica, today new unusual movements...

Italian AFUSAF

Interesting morning over the central Mediterranean sea

This morning the central Mediterranean was the scene of two interesting missions. The first, perhaps the most unusual, was that of a USArmy...


Eagles over Romania

Interesting tracks over Romania this morning. We are indeed tracking two USAF McDonnell Douglas F-15Es (reg. 97-0221, 97-2018), departed from RAF Lakenheath, flying...


Refueling Poseidon (again)

Also today (we had recorded a similar situation at least three times in the last week) we’ve tracked the in-flight refueling of a USNavy...


Drones’ traffic

Morning of departures and arrivals at Sigonella. The USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045 – callsign FORTE10) returns to base after a mission...


New week, new missions

Numerous area surveillance missions in the Black Sea area this morning. Several NATO assets at work:

