282 Articles

NATO concluded vigilance activity “Neptune Strke 2022”

The vigilance activity marked the accomplishment of the long-planned transfer of authority of command and control of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike...

NATOTurkish AF

New NATO activity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Another morning of reconnaissance missions over the eastern Mediterranean. At the moment, two NATO assets are conducting surveillance missions south of Cyprus, monitoring...


NATO AWACS on task

A NATO Boeing E-3A (reg. LX-N90456) has departed this morning from Konya AB, central Turkey. The aircraft is now orbiting over eastern Mediterranean...


Traffic in the Black Sea area

Eventful morning in the Black Sea area: an USAF Boeing RC-135V (63-9792) departed Souda Bay AB is making an usual ISR mission off...


TLP-21 in progress

TLP’s Flying Course 2021-4 is success fully ongoing. Although during the first part of the past week the Course faced some adverse meteorologic...


Phoenix mission in Libya

A NATO Northrop Grumman RQ-4D “Phoenix” (reg. AV-SA0018 – callsign MAGMAxxx) left Sigonella AB around 09:00 CEST southbound. The drone is now in...


Eastern Mediterrranean sea very busy

Another busy day over the eastern Mediterranean sea: A Turkish Navy ATR P-72MPA (reg. TCB-752 – callsign MARTI82) is making a surveilance mission...

NATOTurkish AF

NATO operation over eastern Mediterranean sea?

A Turkish Navy ATR P-72 MPA (reg. TCB-752 – callsign MATI01) departed Dalaman is making a patrol mission south of Cyprus. In the...


Interesting missions over eastern Mediterranean Sea

These days we are tracking several unusual flights over the eastern Mediterranean. Last night a USNavy Boeing P-8A took off from Sigonella carried...


NATO Phoenix Libyan mission

Around 08:00 CEST a NATO Northrop Grumman RQ-4D “Phoenix” (reg. AV-SA0018 – callsign MAGMA?) left Sigonella Ab southbound on route to make surveillance...

