282 Articles

Moskva calling

It is unusual for both a NATO and a USAF drone to take off from Sigonella at the same time, but this morning...


NATO eyes over Romania

New morning of surveillance mission over eastern Romania: NATO Boeing E-3A (reg. LX-N90454) is orbiting between Iasi and Brasov USAF Boeing RC-135W (reg....


Drones at work

This morning we are tracking two different missions operated by Global Hawk drones. The USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 09-2039 – callsign FORTE10)...

NATORussian Navy

New report on the naval situation in the Mediterranean Sea

REPORT UPDATED (04/07/2022) AVAILABLE HERE: New report on the naval situation in the central and eastern Mediterranean. NATO NATO currently has 3...

NATORussian Navy

Naval situation east of Crete

Naval activity to the east of Crete is still intense. According to the twitter account H I Sutton at least three Russian Navy...


NATO eyes on Transnistria

Again NATO’s eyes were on the western Black Sea, Odessa region and Transnistria this morning: NATO Boeing E-3A (reg. LX-N90446) departing from Konya...


FORTE returns, MAGMA leaves

While a USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045, callsign FORTE10) returns to Sigonella after a mission of about 22 hours, another drone, a NATO Northrop...

NATOOther air forces

A busy start of the week

A busy start of the week in Eastern Europe. This morning several assets are monitoring the situation in Belarus, Ukraine and on the...


NATO surveillance mission over the eastern Europe

We’re tracking two different NATO surveillance mission in progress over eastern Europe: USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045, callsign FORTE10) departed from NAS...

NATORussian Navy

Naval situation in the Mediterranean

We’ve tried to put together a quick report on the naval situation in the central and eastern Mediterranean. NATO NATO currently has 3...

