Mission in an unusual area for an Italian Air Force Gulfstream E.550 CAEW (reg. MM62293 – f/n IAM1495). The aircraft, which took off...
itamilradarDecember 19, 2022A Saturday morning with several missions in the Black Sea area: an Italian Air Force Boeing KC-767A (reg. MM62227) took off from Pisa...
itamilradarDecember 17, 2022There is movement of Italian planes over the Atlantic. An Italian Air Force ATR P-72A (reg. MM62279) which took off from Lajes is...
itamilradarDecember 14, 2022An Italian Air Force Eurofighter F-2000A crashed east of Trapani Birgi military airport around 18.30 CET. The aircraft was landing after carrying out...
itamilradarDecember 13, 2022Double mission for Italian aircraft today on the eastern flank of the NATO deployment:
itamilradarDecember 13, 2022Last 9 December, the Italian Air Force Beechcraft B.350ER SPYDR (reg. MM62300) had returned to Italy after about two months spent in Cyprus...
itamilradarDecember 12, 2022This Italian Air Force Leonardo C-27J (reg. MM62214) is flying between Pisa San Giusto Ab and the Polish airport of Rzeszów. Rzeszów is...
itamilradarDecember 6, 2022In these minutes (13:00 CET), air warnings are reported throughout Ukraine and it is possible that one of the most intense missile attacks...
itamilradarDecember 5, 2022Interesting mission of an Italian Air Force ATR P-72A (reg. MM62279) over the Sicilian channel this evening. The ATR is carrying out a...
itamilradarDecember 2, 2022Another day of intense air activity in the Black Sea area:
itamilradarNovember 30, 2022