Most important site monitoring military aircraft movements over Italy and Mediterranean Sea
A busy start of the week in Eastern Europe. This morning several assets are monitoring the situation in Belarus, Ukraine and on the...
After monitoring the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad and the border between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine for the first part of its mission, the...
The airlift between Italy and Poland continues today. An Italian Air Force Lockheed C-130J (reg. MM62177) is returning to Italy from Rzeszow airport...
We’re tracking two different NATO surveillance mission in progress over eastern Europe: USAF Northrop Grumman RQ-4B (reg. 10-2045, callsign FORTE10) departed from NAS...
We’ve tried to put together a quick report on the naval situation in the central and eastern Mediterranean. NATO NATO currently has 3...
The Swedish Air Force’s SIGINT aircraft missions are daily off Kaliningrad in the Baltic. Today, however, a Swedish Air Force Gulfstream S102B ‘Korpen’...
A US Navy Boeing P-8A departed from NAS Sigonella is carrying out a maritime patrol mission over southern Adriatic Sea. The aircraft orbited...
New surveillance missions carried out by NATO assets over Romania: – NATO Boeing E-3A (reg. LX-N90450) from Konya AB is orbiting over eastern...
Today, an Italian Customs ATR P-72B (reg. MM62311) conducted a mission of over three hours over the southern Adriatic Sea. The patrol mission...
Evening work on NATO assets over Poland. A NATO Boeing E-3A (reg. LX-N90454) is orbiting eastern Poland near the border with Belarus and...