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Monitoring military aircraft and ships movements over Italy and Mediterranean Sea

1195 Articles

Busy skies in the Black Sea area

Another day of intense air activity in the Black Sea area:


NATO demonstrates maritime electronic warfare capability off Italy Southern Coast

Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) participated the semi-annual NATO exercise Dynamic Guard 22-2 in the Gulf of Taranto off the coast of...


US SIGINT missions

This morning there are at least three US assets carrying out surveillance missions over Romania:


Rule, Britannia!

This afternoon we record several RAF aircraft in flight in and around the Mediterranean:

Other air forces

Patrol mission off Libya for the new FRONTEX asset

Today we’ve tracked a new entry into Libyan / central Mediterranean Sea theatre: a Beechcraft B.350 (2-WKTJ), operating for FRONTEX mission and departed...

Italian AFOther air forces

What we know about aerial missions yesterday in Libya

Yesterday two different missions were made by Italian and German airforces. The German missions (different flights of two Transall C-160D) was linked to...

Other air forces

New German and Italian missions in Libya

After the yesterday mission today we’ve tracked again a German mission departed from Trapani Birgi AB. This time there was two different aircraft...

Other air forces

Unidentified German aircraft to Libya

This morning, around 8AM, local time, a German Air Force unidentified aircraft left Trapani Birgi AB southbound. We had not enough data to...

Turkish AF

Turkish eye over eastern Mediterranean

A Turkish Air Force Boeing E-7T ( 13-004 ) departed from Konya AB, central Turkey, is making a surveillance mission south of Cyprus....

Italian AF

Italian F-35s back from Iceland

Four (of six) Italian Air Force Locheed Martin F-35A deployed to Keflavik Airbase to conduct NATO air policing and training duties over Iceland...

