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Monitoring military aircraft and ships movements over Italy and Mediterranean Sea

1233 Articles

Monitoring Black Sea

The SIGINT activity of the NATO assets in the Black Sea theater continues. This morning a Lockhed EP-3E Aries II (reg. 159887) that...


RAF’s Libyan trip

This morning a RAF Boeing C-17A (reg. ZZ171) took off from RAF Akrotiri on the island of Cyprus at approximately 09:087 CEST.The aircraft...

Other air forces

Fighting wildfires in Greece

The situation of the wildfires in Greece is still very critical. Many fires have broken out in various parts of the country, but...

Italian AFNATOOther air forcesRAFUSAF

Busies skies over NATO’s eastern flank

Today we mapped out a major NATO engagement on the Alliance’s eastern flank. in particular the northern part is affected by numerous air...

Greek AF

Greek eyes at work

This morning, two Hellenic Air Force Embraer 145 AEW&C aircraft are in the air. Both aircraft are active in the south of the...


Targeting ISIL

Two RAF Typhoons FGR.4 (reg. ZK348, ZK434) are returning to RAF Akrotiri, a British base in the south of the island of Cyprus, where they...

French AF

French AWACS mission over the Black Sea

For the first time today, we tracked a French AWACS mission over the Black Sea. The French Air Force Boeing E-3F (reg. 204)...


NATO eyes at work

After a few days of (relative) calm today, several NATO missions took place in the Black Sea theatre. After this morning’s mission of...

French AF

French SIGINT mission

This morning one French Air Force Beech King Air B.350 ALSR (reg. F-RACG) is carrying out an ISR mission over the Balck Sea. The...

Italian AFItalian Navy

Italian fishing vessel attacked by the Libyan coast guard

This morning, an Italian fishing vessel (named “Orizzonte,” MMSI: 247302240) was attacked with firearms by a patrol boat of the so-called Libyan coast...


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B-52s over Italy
