According to RFI, on Thursday, January 23, 2025, a fire broke out on the Russian spy ship Kildin in the Syrian Channel near Tartus. Flames and thick black smoke were seen coming from its smokestack, indicating a possible engine room fire. The vessel, adrift, hoisted two black balls to signal loss of control.
The crew gathered at the stern in preparation for a possible evacuation, while security teams worked to extinguish the fire, likely worsened by an engine failure. Other Russian ships in the area kept their distance and did not provide assistance, as did the cargo ship TM Milla Moon, which was instructed not to approach.
The fire was finally brought under control after five hours, and the engines were restarted. Western forces, including the French Navy, closely monitored the situation and were ready to intervene if needed, although Russia did not request any assistance. The operational status of the ship after the incident remains unclear.
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