Tonight, the Russian Navy tug Sergei Balk entered the Mediterranean through the Strait of Gibraltar.
The tug is not traveling alone; it is escorting the Kilo-class submarine “Ufa” (SSG-490). Since the Krasnodar crossed the Strait of Gibraltar in the opposite direction on October 14th, there were no more Russian submarines in the Mediterranean.
The Russian pair has been monitored during its route by NATO naval units, most recently by a Portuguese unit that took charge of the “escort” as the Russian units entered the Portuguese EEZ.

However, it is unclear whether the Ufa submarine will remain in the Mediterranean, as it seems to be assigned to the Pacific Fleet. It could be a simple transit to the Indian Ocean through Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, or the submarine might stop for a certain period at Tartus.
This will be revealed in the coming days by tracking its route.

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