Game of drones


Double mission today for Sigonella’s drones.

This morning, in fact, two Global Hawks took off from the Sicilian base, one NATO (model RQ-4D “Phoenix”, reg. MM-AV-SA0016, s/s MAGMA10) and one USAF (model RQ-4B “Global Hawk”, reg. 11-2046, s/s FORTE10).

Both headed towards the Black Sea where they made their entry at around 11:30 CEST.

In the image above you can see the situation with the last visible position of the NATO drone. The latter in fact, unlike the USAF one once in the area of operations turns off the ADS-B transponder.

It should be noted that a ‘dual’ mission is extremely unusual

Written by
itamilradar -

Monitoring military aircraft and ships movements over Italy and Mediterranean Sea

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