We are tracking anomalous air activity over the western Black Sea. There is indeed a large amount of assets flying over or near the western part of it.
We have already mentioned the USAF Global Hawk (callsign FORTE11) and the NATO AWACS orbiting near the Romanian coast but there is more in the area.
A Turkish Navy ATR P-72MPA (reg. TCB-752 – callsign MARTI07) is patrolling the stretch of sea off the Bulgarian coast (we have already traced similar missions in the past few days) but, strangest of all, the RAF Boeing RC-135W (reg. ZZ665) which arrived a short while ago over the Black Sea is now also orbiting the western part.
Around 15:00, a USN Boeing P-8A from Sigonella also arrived in the area.

C’è anche un’ aereo non identificato, probabilmente un P8 partito da Sigonella…dopotutto dobbiamo sapere cosa stà succedendo alla Makarov.
…e adesso si è pure aggiunto il nostro Gulfstream AEW…c’è decisamente qualcosa di interessante in zona.