Takuba mission for a Greek Hercules?

An Hellenic Air Force Lockheed C-130H (reg. 747, f/n HAF356M) appeared earlier over southern Tunisia in flight to Greece.

We do not know the origin of the flight, but Greece has troops participating in Operation Takuba in Mali, so the flight may have originated from there.

Takuba was set up in March 2020. It is a coalition of European forces engaged in accompanying the Malian army. On paper, its objective is to eventually replace the French operation Barkhane, which was created in 2014 following the French military intervention in January 2013 to stop the jihadist advance in Mali.

It is currently led by the Swedish Colonel P or Peder — whose full name is not used for security reasons — and relies on 14 countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom).

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