Another crowded afternoon for Ukrainian theatre


If this morning the Ukrainian theatre had been rather quiet, the same cannot be said this afternoon.

Ab USAF Boeing RC-135V (reg. 64-14844 – callsign JAKE12) is carrying out a reconnaissance mission over western Ukraine. The aircraft seems to be keeping an eye on the Belarusian border and probably also on the Transdniestrian area in Moldova controlled by pro-Russian forces.

64-14844 - USA - Air Force Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint at Fairford | Photo  ID 157466 |

Meanwhile, a RAF Airbus KC.2 (reg. ZZ337) from RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus, carried out an aerial refuelling mission near the Bulgarian-Romanian border.

AirTanker pitches Voyager for NATO refuelling shortfall | News | Flight  Global

Finally, a NATO Northrop Grumman RQ-4D (reg. MM-AV-SA0018 – callsign MAGMA) from Sigonella AB has now arrived over the Black Sea to carry out a routine surveillance mission.

Il primo velivolo a pilotaggio remoto NATO AGS RQ-4D arriva sulla base  aerea di Sigonella - Aviation Report
Written by
itamilradar -

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