New Aegean Sea patrol mission for a Turkish Navy C-72 MPA

This morning at 07:49 CET a Turkish Navy ATR C-72MPA (reg. TCB-751 – callsign MARTI93) left its home base of Izmit (NAS Cengiz Topel) for a patrol mission over Aegean sea.

The aircraft arrived over the sea at 08:45 then turned off its ADS-B transponder. The ATR reapperared at 11:24 south of the Greek island of Mytilene following a similar route to Izmit where it’s landed around 12:10.

As you can see in this map Turkey doesn’t recognize the Greek view of exclusive economic zone (EEZ)  including also some Greek island into Turkish EEZ. The ATR this morning probably was patroling on the border of the Turkish EEZ but into Greek FIR (but usually this kind of mission were made off Greek airspace).

These mission usually were made without authorization of Greek ATC.

It’s interesting to remark that yesterday Turkey and Greece resumed talks on maritime disputes after five years.

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