Yesterday the USNavy carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) and its strike group (CSG) left Mediterranean Sea. In these images you can see the ship in the Suez Canal (yesterday) and under way in the northern Red Sea (today).
In the last week the French Navy carrier “Charles de Gaulle” (R91) left Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea where its activities will mainly consists in cooperation exercises with American and European forces.

Today there are not traditional aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. There are, however, the Italian Navy light aircraft carrier “Giuseppe Garibaldi” (C551) and the Spanish Navy amphibious assault ship “Juan Carlos I” (L61) both equipped with AV-8B “Harrier”.

The other Italian carrier “Cavour” (C550) is in Taranto for a lengthy refit to host LockheedMartin F-35B. The Cavour will become operational again in 2020

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