Brazilian Mi-35M to Libyan National Army?

Interesting news reported today from Scramble facebook page.

“French media report the possible sale of six of the twelve Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB, Brazilian Air Force) Mi-35M attack helicopters to the Libyan National Army (LNA). The helicopters will be funded by the United Arab Emirates, thats backs the LNA, after being sold back to Rosboronexport.

The AH-2 Sabres, as they are called in FAB service, have a less than illustrious service history. The delivery was halted for three years after the first six arrived due to various serviceability and quality issues. In 2012 three more arrived and the last three were finally delivered in 2015. The Sabres are operated by 2°/8°GAv ‘Poti’ from Porto Velho, Rondônia state, in the middle of the Amazon. The deal is still under negotiation and may involve all twelve Mi-35s.”

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