After the yesterday mission today we’ve tracked again a German mission departed from Trapani Birgi AB. This time there was two different aircraft (callsign “GAF144” & “GAF155”) departed from Sicilian airport southbound.

Today again when aircraft left Italian airspace the signal was lost (ADS-B transponder turn off?). At this moment aircraft were flying southbound at FL180.

From the hexcode of the aircraft we can write that one of two aircraft (GAF155) was probably a Transall C-160D. Probably also the other aircraft was of the same type.
We don’t know the final destination of the flight but we can suppose (looking at route and altitude) that the aircraft were probably directed to Libya.
At the same time an Italian Air Force Gulfstream E.550A CAEW ( MM62293) left Pratica di Mare AB southbound and made a mission over central Mediterranean Sea off Libya. In the past Italian CAEW were escorted by Italian Eurofigthers departed from Trapani but today there was not in the area any tanker (that in the past made aerial refueling with Typhoons).

Anyway we don’t know if the German and Italian missions are linked.

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